installing Mutt and sending email by using python

  • Status: Closed
  • Prize: $70
  • Entries Received: 1
  • Winner: abytesh

Contest Brief

- Install Mutt on the server and add the following email on the client :
- The mail server is on office365
- Create a cron that will check for new incoming mail every minutes and new created files. The cron will start the python script
- Write a python script to read the e-mail, generate a new e-mail with the user e-mail received in the quizz as destination and send it. The generated e-mail should contain only questions-ID and succeed or failed. (No other content)

That email recipient will receive e-mail from user while running the quizz

NOte: please provide details on all the steps done (installation, cron…) - Need details commands

Recommended Skills

Employer Feedback

“Again a real pleasure to have this contest done by Daniel. He was able to go beyond the idea and think out of the box. even helping in the design by providing ideas. best thank !”

Profile image laakam, Canada.

Public Clarification Board

  • sasindu112
    • 3 years ago

    Hi dear i'm working...

    • 3 years ago

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