Freelancer: dip1976
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A student loan is money that banks or the federal government lend to students or parents to pay for higher education.Student loans can be used to pay tuition, fees and room and board, and they can also be used for living expenses and books.Student debt refers to the total amount of outstanding student loans from students, graduates, and dropouts. “Most defaults occur in the first few years after students leave college.” This assumption appeared credible heretofore due to the fact that recent graduates can find themselves hard-pressed to find well-paying jobs at the outset of their careers, thereby limiting their ability to repay their student loans U.S. World & News Report: "The basic problem is simple: Give everyone $100 to pay for higher education and colleges will raise their prices by $100, negating the value of the aid. And inflation-adjusted aid--most of it federal--has certainly gone up, If This trend continue world will face big financial crisis.

Contest Entry #19 for                                                 OPERATION NO MORE STUDENT LOAN DEBT 20/20 /20 AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME- .

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